Monday 5 May 2014

Process of Learning

Hey guys,

Just a quick update, I was planning on running the Manitoba Half Marathon with my at home mentor, my dad, on Fathers Day. Unfortunately due to injury my dad will be unable to run this race with me, which will not stop me from continuing my training. I have been training three times a week and my time has been improving. I feel much better after running now than I did before.

I have been learning several things over the past few weeks. One thing that I have learned is perseverance. I have been faced with many obstacles like being sick, tired, or busy, and I have still found a way to keep my focus on the end goal. I have been slowly learning how to overcome my frustrations that I've faced so that I can continue working hard. This will eventually affect my end result. If I don't focus and preserver through hard situations, I will never reach the goal I would like to attain.

A second thing I've learned is how working out effects me. A huge part of my personality is I like to work hard and I like to get things done fast. If I'm working out lots I want a result I can see, but this is not instant. It has slowly been effecting me in endurance, strength, and weight loss. With hard work and the help from my mentor, Mrs. Smith, I have remained committed and have lost a total of 5 pounds since the beginning of the project and I plan on continuing this work.

One of my favourite things I've learned throughout this passion project is how to relate my project to religion. This is a challenge, but keeps me thinking about what information God has provided me to help learn more about him as well as myself. I really like to find verses that will motivate me to do better and continue to work hard. I would love to share a couple of these verses with you.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20- Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.

Proverbs 14:23- All hard work brings profit.

Thank you for your interest in my learning. :)

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